The Effect of Constructive Play Activity on the Development of Early Children’s Fine Motor Skill

  • Nour Sriyanah School of Health Science (STIK) Makassar
  • Suradi Efendi School of Health Science (STIK) Makassar
  • Riskawaty Guling School of Health Science (STIK) Makassar
  • Adefitri Andari School of Health Science (STIK) Makassar
  • Sitty Rahmatia A. Rauf School of Health Science (STIK) Makassar
Keywords: children’s fine motor skill, constructive play activities, development fine motor


Improving children fine motor skills has a positive impact on the aspects of fine motor development. In 2015, there were 16% children in Indonesia who had impaired fine motor development. In several studies, it has been shown that constructive play activities can foster fine motor development. This study aimed to know the effect of constructive play activities on fine motor development. This research employed Non-probability sampling using accidental sampling technique based on chance and unplanned encounters. The research instrument used was observation sheets and DDST paper. The population in this research was all 45students from TK Az-Zahra Racing Centre in the academic year of 2018/2019. Among these students, 21 children were chosen as the research samples through accidental sampling technique. The result of this research showed that from 16 (100.0%) whose constructive play activities were not stimulated, there were 5 respondents (31.3%) who had inappropriate fine motor development, while the other 11 (86.8%) respondents had appropriate fine motor development. Meanwhile, out of 5 (100.0%) respondents who played constructive play activities, all of them had appropriate fine motor development. This shows that there was and effect between and after constructive play activities on fine motor development with p value of 0.01 (p <a = 0.05). The study concludes that there was an effect on the fine motor development before and after the constructive play activities were carried out. Based on this research, it is expected that the next researchers will conduct research with a larger number of samples.