Beliefs and the Correlation with Protection Health Behaviors Covid-19: A Systematic Review

  • Maulin Halimatunnisa' Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University
  • Pudji Lestari Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University
  • Elida Ulfiana 1Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University
Keywords: beliefs, COVID-19, pandemic, preventive behavior


COVID-19 (coronavirus-19 disease) has been a problem in various countries over the past year and has generated multiple beliefs that impact protective behavior. This study aims to identify belief and the correlation with protective behavior COVID-19. Five databases namely Scopus, Ebsco, Sage,PubMed, and ProQuest were used to find published articles from 2020 to 2021. Boolean searches use "belief", "protective behavior" and "COVID-19" in the title, abstract, or keywords. Inclusion criteria were original articles in English; articles describe about beliefs and protective behavior COVID-19; sources from journals; and is available in full text. This systematic review uses the PRISMA guidelines. We identified 537  articles, of which 15 were considered relevant for this systematic review. The main research design for these 15 journals was a cross-sectional study. This study shows that perceptions of vulnerability and severity, as well as fear, influence protective behavior against COVID-19. Beliefs about COVID-19 influence the adoption of public protective behaviors against infection. Based on the results found, it can be concluded that beliefs is related to the adoption of protective behavior for COVID-19. The results of this study can become the basis for the government and health workers to improve risk communication strategies through public belief in COVID-19 to improve health protection behavior.


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How to Cite
Halimatunnisa’, M., Lestari, P., & Ulfiana, E. (2021). Beliefs and the Correlation with Protection Health Behaviors Covid-19: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Keperawatan, 13(3), 605-614.