Analysis Factors of Related to the Quality of Life Caregiver Dementia Patient
Elderly people with dementia experience progressive, irreversible dysfunction, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral disorders so that they need good care to improve the quality of life of the elderly. So far, the care of the elderly has only been assisted by family members, very few elderly caregivers specifically for dementia have received educational information about dementia nursing care. A good education will affect the knowledge of caregivers and the quality of services to the elderly with dementia. This study aims to determine what factors affect the quality of life of caregivers who care for dementia patients. The method used spearmen correlation research design. The research method is a cross-sectional analytic survey case study. The study sample was 34 caregivers who took care of dementia with a total sampling technique. Data collection uses primary data from the results of filling out questionnaires for respondents in the Bandung Alzi Community. Data analysis using chi-square test. The research instrument used is based on the WHOQoL-BREF. This research questionnaire consisted of 26 questions. The World Health Organization Quality of life instrument has been tested for validity with the results of the calculation of the content validity index getting a value of 0.93, the reliability test using the Cronbach test was carried out on 20 caregivers on outpatient visits to the hospital with an analysis obtained with a value of 0.770. The World Health Organization Quality of life instrument has four domains, namely: Physical Domain, Psychological Domain, Social Relations Domain, and Environmental Domain. The dementia knowledge score uses the natural logarithm. Bivariate test of knowledge and characteristics using Chi-square correlation test with (p<0.05). Results showed that the factors that most influenced the quality of life of the caregiver in dementia patients were knowledge, length of stay, and caregiver status, not from the patient's family where there was a value of Pv <0.05. Knowledge, length of care, and non-family caregiver status will affect the quality of life of the caregiver itself.