Family Support and Parent Anxiety in Compliance with Basic Immunization in The Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Velga Yazia STIKes MERCUBAKTIJAYA Padang
  • Hidayatul Hasni STIKes MERCUBAKTIJAYA Padang
  • Auliya Mardhotillah STIKes MERCUBAKTIJAYA Padang
  • Theresia Eldest Wiselya Gea STIKes MERCUBAKTIJAYA Padang
Keywords: basic immunization compliance, family support, parental anxiety


The Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to reduce the complete basic immunization coverage for Indonesian children. If not anticipated, the low coverage of immunization can lead to new disease disasters such as measles, diphtheria, and tuberculosis in the future beyond Covid-19. The parents are anxious about taking their children for immunization and worry that their child will catch COVID-19 if they go to health workers and health facilities. This study is a descriptive study. This study describes family support and parental anxiety in basic immunization compliance during the Covid-19 pandemic at public health centre Nanggalo Padang. The population in this study were mothers who had babies aged 0-12 months who were in the working area of ​​the Nanggalo Community Health Center with a total sample of 77 respondents according to the research criteria, using simple random sampling technique. The data was collected online by distributing questionnaire links using the Google Form format to parents via social media (WhatsApp, email, Facebook and telegram). Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and processed computerized using univariate analysis. The results of the study of 77 respondents, 58.4% of respondents had family support and 41.6% of family respondents were not supportive, 51.9% of parents had moderate anxiety levels and 54.5% of parents were not compliant in breastfeeding during the pandemic. The parents have family support, have moderate levels of anxiety and more than half of parents are not compliant in giving immunizations to children during the Covid pandemic19.


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How to Cite
Yazia, V., Hasni, H., Mardhotillah, A., & Gea, T. (2020). Family Support and Parent Anxiety in Compliance with Basic Immunization in The Covid-19 Pandemic. Jurnal Keperawatan, 12(4), 1043-1050.